Every once and a while, we all need a new look! Even books! Hope y'all like these new covers! We really tried to find images that not only conveyed the stories, but also the characters. Jackie Weger has been writing romance novels between life events for thirty-five years. She's a traveler of our good earth by foot, boat, bus, train, plane and pickup, but usually only gets as far as Walmart.
Men as Wild and Rugged as The Last Frontier Itself Five brothers risk their lives to rescue those caught in the death grip of the Alaskan wilderness…and risk losing their hearts to women as tough as the Land of the Midnight Sun.
The siren call of Alaska’s untamed wilderness, vast mountain ranges, and majestic glaciers draws thrill-seekers from around the globe. But with more unsolved missing-person cases than anywhere else in the world, the Alaska Triangle has an ominous reputation. Enter the Midnight Sons, five brothers who risk their lives to rescue those in peril.
Being a hero isn’t all it’s cracked up to be, though. The pay sucks, as does the fact that the team leaders have to be ready to spring into action 24/7, 365 days a year—a lifestyle not conducive to a healthy love life. Worse, while the brothers are experts in their individual fields, they each harbor inner demons and secrets that threaten to tear their family apart… and jeopardize any chance of finding the women who could complete them.
Carmen's stories overflow with romance, suspense, a hint of humor and, of course, a few Kleenex moments. After all, what would a great story be without an emotional event setting the stage? All her novels are sensual, but not erotic, gripping but not graphic, and will make you cry, laugh, love, and hope. Although some of her books include supernatural or ghostly beings, her stories dance on the edge of make believe. Her hope is that as you read her stories, you'll wonder, "Hmmm...what if?"
Currently, she lives in Arizona with her husband of twenty-nine years and a very spoiled "rescued" calico they lovingly refer to as “Baby Kitty,” even though she's twelve years old. Carmen enjoys learning about different American cultures, so she moves a lot. She's lived on both of Florida’s coasts: Cocoa Beach and Tampa Bay; Charlotte, North Carolina; Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania; Chicago, Illinois; Bullhead City, Arizona; the Northern Central Valley of California, and now she lives in "The Heart of Arizona." But she's always looking for her next adventure, so she travels every chance she gets. Most of her novels share some of our favorite hobbies, mostly, anything to do with the great outdoors. Both she and her husband love to read on the beach—or in a coffee shop if it's raining—and if the weather is really nice, they go kayaking or hiking. Carmen says she rarely spends her days off at a movie theater or the mall. In fact, she claims to hate shopping, and laughs that her husband would rather do anything other than watch a movie when she's already read the book. :) Some lucky women meet the man of their dreams and live happily ever after. Some lucky women focus on a career and make their own happily ever after. And then some women wake up after fifteen years of marriage and discover that their luck just ran out ... right into the arms of another woman. Jana Embers isn't one to sit back, though. The first thing Jana realizes she needs to do is empty the joint bank account, then she's thinking she might take a tire iron to her soon-to-be-ex-husband's truck. After that, she's not sure what she'll do ... Maybe she'll adopt a cat... READ MORE |
December 2024