The characters in my books In Search of the Cannibal King and Cannibal King were not simply born from my pen—though it was my description that breathed life into them. Each character emerged from the story, shaped by their culture and society into the multi-dimensional and colorful people they became. I dressed them in words, but they introduced themselves.
As the author of a story filled with diverse, multi-dimensional characters from various societies and walks of life, it was my responsibility to present them as authentically as possible. My goal was to connect with you, the reader, on a deep level, so that you might find yourself immersed in a scene, seeing the world through the eyes of either the villain or the heroine. When you read a book and feel equal passion for the characters as you do for the story itself, the author has succeeded in giving those multi-dimensional personalities their due—adding just enough salt and pepper to spice them up! As an unknown writer once said, “A book is knowledge shared.” Another said, “A story told is a story that's never forgotten, but a memory of what was past and what will be." Both are true…yet the rest is subjective, as every reader’s experience of a story is unique. Here’s what one reviewer said after reading Cannibal King, “I miss its characters, and they stay with me now, alive in my mind, days after finishing the book. This is such a feat for this talented author! Her outstanding writing made every little detail of the tribes’ villages and customs come alive in my mind’s eye, as if I were on the Marquesas Islands, too.” What that reader conveyed to me was that I had achieved what I set out to do—make the characters live on. Until next time, happy adventuring! Nanine If you want to explore with me, start with In Search of the Cannibal King, which my publisher is offering FREE for a limited time. If you want to dive right into the fast-action historical adventure of John Rumell, head right to the Cannibal King! START YOUR ADVENTURE NOW! Connect with Nanine to stay up-to-date on New Releases and Specials!
Writing my novels, In Search of the Cannibal King and Cannibal King, required more than just my knowledge of the stories; it also required the use of imagery to bring the stories boldly to life. My love for photography and the immense library of photographs I’ve created over six decades was the perfect tool to personalize the varied scenes and accurately describe the cast of characters.
As you delve into the pages of In Search of the Cannibal King and Cannibal King, you will find descriptions of these photographs interwoven within the text. The stories are not just tales of adventure and exploration; they are a journey through the landscapes and cultures of the Marquesas Islands, brought to life through the lens of my camera. In conclusion, the setting is a vital component of storytelling. It grounds the narrative in a specific time and place, provides context for the characters' actions, and enriches the overall reading experience. For me, the Marquesas Islands were more than just a setting; they were a source of inspiration, a character in their own right, and a gateway to a world of adventure. Through the power of imagery and personal experience, I endeavored to bring this world to life for my readers, inviting them to join me on a journey of discovery and wonder. START YOUR ADVENTURE NOW! If you want to explore with me, start with In Search of the Cannibal King, which my publisher is offering FREE for a limited time. If you want to dive right into the fast-action historical adventure of John Rumell, head right to the Cannibal King! Connect with Nanine to stay up-to-date on New Releases and Specials!
For decades, I knew I had stories from the South Pacific that demanded to be told, stories so compelling listeners suggested they belonged on the big screen. Yet, the journey to share these tales began with a serendipitous meeting on a Thai riverboat in 1993, where a friend shared them with an English author intrigued by the South Pacific. This encounter led him to suggest I should be the one to write the stories. Embracing the challenge, I realized writing was akin to gourmet cooking: I needed the perfect recipe, the finest ingredients, and the right guests to appreciate the final dish. This realization sparked a thirty-year odyssey across the globe, gathering old letters, diaries, and firsthand accounts to infuse authenticity and depth into my narratives. In 1994, armed with determination and replacing an old typewriter with a word processor for efficiency, I began my writing journey. After eight years and countless hours, I had completed two novels but faced the daunting world of publishing as a novice. Initial attempts in 2002 to publish met with interest but also proposals to change my "recipe," leading to a pause in my quest. However, the pandemic in 2020 provided an unexpected catalyst. Secluded and reflective, I dusted off my manuscripts, feeling an urgent need to finally share my stories. Two revisions and nine months later, I reached out to a literary agent friend who knew just the right publisher. On my 80th birthday in 2021, I received the call that would change everything: my stories, written entirely by myself, were to be published. In Search of the Cannibal King and Cannibal King were released to the world in 2021, marking the beginning of a new chapter in my life and offering a testament to the power of perseverance and the fulfillment of a dream long-held. Please let my story be a reminder: never give up on your dreams, no matter how long it takes to realize them. Nanine Case Join Nanine in her adventures; jump into In Search of the Cannibal King FREE!!!! Then, buckle in for stories steeped in history, action, adventure, and even a hint of romance! Connect with Nanine to stay up-to-date on New Releases and Specials!
What would drive a man to leave civilization behind and live out his life among cannibals?
In l847, John Rumell jumps ship, ending up on a Marquesas island inhabited by cannibals. There, he becomes infatuated with the chief’s daughter and submits to tribal tattooing.
Soon after, the temptress rejects him. Broken and permanently branded, which prohibit him from returning to civilization, Rumell leaves the tribe, wandering aimlessly about the island. . . READ MORE
December 2024