After I came up with that (and it’s a doozie), I knew I had to put her in the worst possible position to push her to be more courageous than she thought she could be. You see, Olivia Howe was kidnapped as a child. I didn’t want to write about a molester, so the kidnapper’s reasons had to do with a mad ceremony he thinks he has to do to tamp down his rage when it rears up.
While Detective Max Callahan is skeptical, he’s also mysteriously drawn to her…so sticking close seems like a good idea. And that's when things get really hairy. But dear romantic suspense readers, you know that an HEA is guaranteed, so don’t worry—no children are murdered in this book. I found some really interesting reads as I dove into blind-sightedness. One was The Phantoms in the Brain by neuroscientist V.S. Ramachandran, and the other was The Man who Mistook his Wife for a Hat by Oliver Sacks. I highly recommend these books for fascinating stories about how the brain can misfire and, well, pretty much go whack-a-doodle sometimes. My story also has some special connections for me. One is the name Phaedra, the girl who gets kidnapped in my story and is psychically connected to my heroine, Olivia. One of my childhood friends was named Phaedra, and I’ve never since heard of anyone with that name. Although we lost touch decades ago, her name stuck in my head, ready to pop out when I needed a name for the girl.
She had a seizure disorder, so her Australian shepherd was trained to alert her when one was coming. Watching Denise and Stasia interact and her dog’s diligence was so touching. That’s why it was such a delight to write a story with a blind woman and her guide dog. When this book came out originally, Denise and Stasia came to one of my book signings. We bought some food-grade “ink” and had Stasia sign the books with me. It was so adorable! Although Denise has passed on, I’ll always remember her sweet smile, and her cute pup. I’m excited that Blindsight was chosen for a special $0.99 promotion so you can give it a try—or GIFT it to a friend if you've already read it. Until next time, Happy Reading! Tina Find links to download Blindsight from your favorite retailer!
December 2024